Results for children

Why should Kids Learn to Code?

August 14, 2019

There are many great reasons to learn computer programming, but here are my top two:
• Coding is fun.
• Coding is a valuable job skill.

Coding Is fun Technology is becoming a part of everyday life.
Every company, charitable organization, and cause can benefit from technology. There are apps to help you buy, give, join, play, volunteer, connect, share—just about anything you can imagine.
Have your children wanted to build their own level for their favorite video game? Coders do that! What about create their own phone app? They can bring that idea to life by programming it on a computer!
 Every program, game, system, or app they’ve ever seen was coded using the same programming building blocks they’ll learn in this book. When kids program, they take an active role in technology—they’re not just having fun, they’re making something fun!
Coding Is a Valuable Job skill Coding is the skill of the 21st century.
 Jobs today require more problem-solving ability than ever before, and more and more careers involve technology as an integral requirement. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that more than 8 million technology jobs will be created in just the next five years.
 Seven of the ten fastest-growing occupations in the 2014–2015 Occupational Outlook Handbook that do not require master’s or doctoral degrees are in the computer science or information technology (IT) fields. Mark Zuckerberg was a college student working from his dorm room when he developed the first version of Facebook in 2004. Just 10 years later, 1.39 billion people were using Facebook every month . Never before in history had an idea, product, or service been able to engage a billion people in under a decade. Facebook demonstrates the power of technology to reach more people, faster, than ever before.

Where Can Kids Learn to Code?
There are more places than ever to learn programming ,websites like, Codecademy , and countless others teach basic to advanced programming in a variety of in-demand programming languages.
your children can take free courses through websites like EdX, Udacity, and Coursera to extend their learning even further.
Why should Kids Learn to Code? Why should Kids Learn to Code? Reviewed by mohammed on August 14, 2019 Rating: 5

What is integration and why does it matter to our children?

August 14, 2019

 What is integration and why does it matter to our children?

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Most of us don’t think about the fact that our brain has many different parts with different jobs.
For example, you have a left side of the brain that helps you think logically and organize thoughts into sentences, and a right side that helps you experience emotions and read nonverbal cues. You also have a “reptile brain” that allows you to act instinctually and make split-second survival decisions, and a “mammal brain” that leads you toward connection and relationships.
One part of your brain is devoted to dealing with memory; another to making moral and ethical decisions. It’s almost as if your brain has multiple personalities — some rational, some irrational; some reflective, some reactive.
No wonder we can seem like different people at different times!

  The key to prosperity is to help these parts work well together - to merge them. Integration takes the distinct parts of your mind and helps them work together as a whole.
 It is similar to what happens in the body, where there are different organs that perform different functions: the lungs breathe air, the heart pumps blood, and the stomach digests food.
In order for the body to be healthy, all these organs must be merged. In other words, each of them needs to perform their individual job while working together as a whole. Integration is simply: connecting different elements with each other to make holistic works fine.
Just as with healthy body performance, your brain cannot perform at its best unless its different parts work together in a coordinated and balanced way. This is what integration does: it coordinates and balances the separate regions of the brain that bind them together. Easy to see when our children are not integrated - they feel confused, emotions and chaotic. 
Can not respond calmly and ably on the situation at hand. Tantrums, breakdowns, aggression and most other difficult parenting experiences - are the result of loss of integration, also known as lack of integration.
 We want to help our children integrate better so that they can use their entire minds in a coordinated way. For example, we want to be merged horizontally, so that the logic of their left mind can work well with their feelings in the right brain.
 We also want to be vertically integrated, so that the upper parts of the brain, which allow them to think about their actions, work well with the lower parts, which are more interested in instinct, intestinal reactions and survival.
The way in which integration is actually done is great, something most people don't know. In recent years, scientists have developed a brain scanning technique that allows researchers to study the brain in ways never before possible. 
This new technology has confirmed much of what we previously thought about the brain. However, one of the surprises that shook the foundations of neuroscience is the discovery that the brain is actually "plastic" or moldy. This means that the brain changes physically throughout our lives, not just in childhood.
What is integration and why does it matter to our children? What is integration and why does it matter to our children? Reviewed by mohammed on August 14, 2019 Rating: 5
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